1 Rule Change Petition

This website area has been put up to encourage you to sign a petition to register your objection to the newly proposed and AMHA approved Rule Change MO103.1 and USEF Rule Change Tracking #315-05 (previously submitted as 117-05)

CLICK HERE to view the official USEF Rule Change document- (Acrobat PDF)

CLICK HERE to view and sign the petition. DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 20TH TO SIGN

CLICK HERE to see how your AMHA Board of Directors voted on this rule change

The fully signed petition will be emailed in late December to all members of the USEF Morgan Rules Committee and the AMHA Board of Directors.

Thank you for your time in reviewing and addresssing this important issue.


This site exists solely to help expedite the petition process. Any information given in signing the petition is private and will not shared with anyone/used in any other way other than sending your signed peition to the USEF and AMHA recipients stated above.